Thursday, June 21, 2007

Logic Error

If your father is a poor man, it is your fate but, if your father-in-law is a poor man, it's your stupidity............. ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ....... I was born intelligent -education ruined me. ............ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ....... Practice makes perfect.....But nobody's perfect..... . so why practise? ............ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ...... If it's true that we are here to help others, then what exactly are the others here for? ............ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ....... Since light travels faster than sound, people appear bright until you hear them speak. ............ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ....... How come "abbreviated" is such a long word? ............ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ....... Money is not everything. There's Mastercard & Visa. ............ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ....... One should love animals.They are so tasty. ............ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ....... Behind every successful man, there is a womanAnd behind every unsuccessful man, there are two. ............ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ...... Every man should marry. After all, happiness is not the only thing inlife. ............ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ....... The wise never marry.and when they marry they become otherwise. ............ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ....... Success is a relative term.It brings so many relatives. ............ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ....... Never put off the work till tomorrow what you can put off today. ............ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ....... "Your future depends on your dreams"So go to sleep ............ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ....... There should be a better way to start a day Than waking up every morning ............ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ....... "Hard work never killed anybody" But why take the risk ............ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ....... "Work fascinates me" I can look at it for hours ............ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ....... God made relatives;Thank God we can choose our friends. ............ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ....... The more you learn, the more you know, The more you know, the more you forgetThe more you forget, the less you know So.. why learn. ............ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ....... A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops. On my desk, I have a work station....
WHAT MORE CAN I SAY........ ???

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Seasonal Headaches

Aduh.. kepala gw akhir2 ini sering pusing2.. mungkin karena beban pekerjaan? Dunno.. yang pasti sih sekarang project yang gw pegang sudah mulai memasuki tahap2 semakin bikin puyeng. Dulu, waktu kuliah ada pelajaran [Mitologi] Analisis dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi yang mengajarkan [bagaimana] [seharusnya] tahapan pembuatan sistem informasi yang mengelompokkan kegiatan menjadi : (1)Requirements gathering, (2)Analisis, (3)Perancangan, (4)Implementasi, dan (5)Pengujian.

Nah, project yg sekarang gw tanganin sih bukan buat IS tapi mirip2 lah tahapannya, BUT sampai saat ini gw ngerasa tahapan2 project tuh seharusnya begini: (1)Santai2 dulu aja sambil ngobrol2 sama bos2 dan sumber2 lain, (2)Baca2 referensi sambil browsing2 Google dan sesekali buka Friendster, (3)Mulai pusing2 karena kebanyakan istilah2 dan waktu santai semakin sedikit bahkan almost non-existence, tahap ini juga dikenal sebagai tahap meeting, meeting, meeting and... meeting! (4)Migrain hebat dan mulai dikejar2 deadline akhirnya kalo tiap kali ngeliat Si Bos bawaannya mau kabur terus, dan (5) Deadline! Pelototin kalender dan berharap2 Si Bos sakit dan ngambil cuti setahun penuh.

Gila ga sih? ya emang tergantung orangnya juga sih, tapi kalo gw ya pastinya pusing... Eh, kemaren gw malah sempet2nya jalan2 trus makan bubur Barito dan besoknya malah ngabisin seharian penuh nonton Heroes eps.1-22. Non Stop. Duh! Well, that was what's been going on to my life lately, I must say I'm not living on the fastlane so, I still have opportunities to make these headaches go away...

Thursday, May 03, 2007

[Time Killer] Read This ! N.A.D.D.

Mungkin ada yang udah pernah baca atau lihat tentang NADD [Nerd Attention Deficit Disorder] atau yang juga disebut sebagai Internet Anxiety Disorder. Somehow, I feel familiar with all the symptoms. Harus diakui bahwa mungkin gw sudah terjangkit juga. I enjoy content fire hose and I write blogs. I may not be distracted if someone move an icon on my desktop, but, hey, I like to work in rapid and tireless continuous movement until I'm sure I have finished.

Lord, have I possess at least three of the symptoms? I feel fine, though. Here's the link of the article for further reading. Since I'm one of the NADD, I may even open the link again AND at the same time writing another blog entry AND chat through IM AND read my daily dose of gossip newsletters AND play a youtube video. . .

My my. . .


PENGEN tahu alasan mengapa negara Indonesia gak maju-maju?

1. Jumlah penduduk Indonesia ada 237 juta.
104 juta diantaranya adalah para pensiun.
Jadi tinggal 133 juta yang bisa kerja.

2. Jumlah pelajar dan mahasiswa adalah 85 juta.
Mereka sekolah, jadi tinggal 48 juta orang yang bisa kerja.

3. Yang kerja buat pemerintah pusat sebagai pegawai negeri ada 29 juta. Jadi
tinggal 19 juta yang bisa kerja.

4. Ada 4 juta yg jadi TNI/POLRI. Jadi tinggal 15 juta yg bisa kerja.

5. Ada lagi yang kerja di pemerintahan daerah dan departemen jumlahnya
14.800.000. jadi sisanya tingal 200.000 yang bisa kerja.

6. Yang sakit dan dirawat di Rumah Sakit di seluruh Indonesia ada 188.000.
Jadi sisa 12.000 orang yang bisa kerja.

7. Ada 11.988 orang yg dipenjara. Jadi tinggal sisa dua orang saja yang
masih bisa kerja.

Yaa,... tentu saja SAYA dan ANDA.
Tapi kan... ANDA malah sibuk baca blog....
Bagaimana Indonesia bisa maju kalau cuma saya sendiri yang bekerja ?????????

credits to Stefanie C for her email

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Maroon 5 -- Makes Me Wonder

Why do I feel that the verse and chorus a little bit like one of Maliq & D'Essentials's song? At least this band made a comeback although I'm not sure it will be a smash hit.

Subordinate / Co-Worker From Heaven

Have I told you about a true tale [a TRUE tale?? I really have to fix my English...] about a living legend of The Subordinate From Heaven. Bawahan Dari Surga. NO it's not about me! It will NEVER about me, or, yeah, at least a LITTLE [ITSY BITSY] TINY WEENY BIT about me :D This is about someone else in some division of some company in some city of some country...


All I can say that this person have brought me some enlightment on the way I view and behave toward my work, my duties, responsibilities, and motivation. This person has never ever talked or boasted or even whispered a word of wisdom about work ethics, but, somehow, the aura exuded out and be visible to others. We all know that this very person is highly dependable and independent yet responsible and obedience. Trust me, this person is truthfully real.

It's a woman. She have made me proud being a woman. She will teach and guide but only until a certain point. Then if we need more guidance, she will be there to help with her nicest biggest smile ever. She'll correct your mistakes. She'll encourage. But, that's from a view of a co-worker.

For the superiors, she is also desirable. She never talked high on the superiors, who sometimes forget or totally lost about jobs and responsibilities, whenever she reminded them about what's left. She knows what and where to step, but always wait for command. She's never bored whenever the superior had to describe or talk about the same topic again and again. She listens then she gives her opinion and, after the deal was made, she follows. God, I wish I could be more like her. She's such a heaven sent subordinate and co-worker. I wish I'm not wrong. No, wait... I feel that I won't be wrong, either.

Lessons learned by me from her also, is about giving your best and put your mind and heart on your job whenever you need it. The other fact is that she is also give her 100% not just for work but also her neighbourhood. Other lesson is that how to know your job like you know yourself, or if you still clueless about yourself then it's like knowing your parents, or if you are pathetic enough not to know your parents then it's about knowing how handsome David Beckham is [duh!]. The last lesson is to love your job. I would definitely have trouble with the last lesson, but, hey, at least I have motivation for the previous two...

When Intelligence Collide With Intellectual

Apparently both of the above mentioned nouns were different in meaning and understanding. See, I just found out about that just recently, when I interviewed and job-tested about two dozen of people. You can look at a resume or cv of a person and being wow-ed or literally blown away by the knowledge or education they had. They could even scored high on complicated college or school subject. But, how, on my amazed and underwhelmed mind and soul, they could not score high based on my expectations? Some people even failed on the job interview, which comes first before the test. If you could never judge a book by its cover, then what about if the summary is great but the details are flawed and unflattering? Or even boring?

Overall, the experience in giving job test and interview has given me a solid mindset. It's about knowing and evaluating people by first interview. In my experience, I could defy a person just by looking at the way they walk toward the room, by the way they choose a seat and sit, by the way they smile at me, give questions or answer mine. Little things count. The more you try to hide your nervous-ness, trust me, it appear more boldly on your attitude. Just be natural.

I'm always fascinated by People Knowledge, about knowing and understanding people. I don't think it's necessarily psychology but I like to evaluate people and adjust the way I react around them.

Back to topic, so much about being smart and intellectual but not comprehended with intelligence. There's a lot of variant for intelligence and the most describable one is IQ and it involved primarily on self confident. If you are un-earth-ly smart but if you're not confident about yourself then... your IQ could not reflect your reality. So sad...

Guilty Pleasure # 1

Ada kebiasaan baru yang sudah gw mulai beberapa minggu belakangan ini : Karaoke. Semenjak di kantor dibuka sebuah ruangan kecil khusus untuk afterhours atau istirahat yang mempunyai televisi serta dvd player lengkap dengan kulkas, coffee maker, dan snacks. Dan juga semenjak ada tenaga outsource untuk divisi gw [one of the is my own sister, Santi] yang berisikan anak2 gak tau malu yang mau aja disuruh gila2an. Dan juga semenjak CEO menerapkan Open Communication untuk seluruh bagian dan karyawan.

Awalnya, sih, bos gw yang mulai karaoke dengan lagu2 Beatles plus improvisasi a la Beatles [auw ! yeah ! ho.. oh !etc.] Mulailah kita ditunjuk satu persatu untuk bernyanyi dengan lagu2 yang ada. Ditengah lagu, CEO ikutan nyanyi. Awalnya kita kaget dan nyanyinya mulai asal2an dan gak konsen. Eh, ternyata dia asik2 juga dan mulai nyanyi dengan lagu Ungu dan Samsons. Ya udah, kita lanjut dan semakin malam jadi semakin ngaco. But, we had fun.

Dua minggu lalu gw dan beberapa orang2 di kantor memulai tradisi baru karaokean setiap Jumat sore sampai malam. Ternyata ngaruh juga, loh. Secara gw sering nonton serial atau film Korea yang dimana ada beberapa tokoh yang suka karaokean sehabis kerja. Tadinya gw pikir, nih, orang2 Korea sama Jepang emang pada banci tampil dan banci karaoke. Ternyata setelah mengalami dan mencoba sendiri, it's a relieve. Setelah seharian berkutat dengan data [I'm a data analyst, btw] melepaskan diri dengan karaoke [sebodo amat dengan yang dengar] dapat menyegarkan diri.

Selain itu, berhubungan dengan orang2 outsource yang gak tau malu, minggu kemarin, 14-April-2007, sebagian dari mereka plus gw mau aja ikutan mengisi acara ultah perusahaan induk kantor gw di Istora Senayan. Gw kebagian menari a la Latin lengkap dengan kostum Latin juga. Sedang yang lain kebagian dance dangdut dan modern. Latihan cuman 3 hari dan pas tampil, yah, pas seperti yang diharapkan untuk yang latihan cuman 3 hari.

Well, hasil akhir mungkin tidak sempurna tapi setidaknya buat kita yang tampil setelah kuis adu joget dangdut, dan sebelum pengumuman door prize [kebayang kan penuhnya kaya apa tu panggung], kita tidak mengecewakan penonton. Walaupun juga salah satu teman lama gw yg melihat foto2 penampilan gw bilang wajah2nya mirip cewek2 menor di malaysia yang biasa disebut "Minah". Sh*te. Tapi gw seneng kok, dan masih sayang sama teman gw itu :P


Thoughts on [Big] Family

Topik ini tidak dimaksudkan untuk menyerang atau menyakiti pihak lain namun jika ada yang merasa tersinggung, saya memohon maaf...

Ada fenomena aneh tapi nyata dan sudah berlangsung sekian lama dan sepertinya sama lamanya dengan adanya peradaban manusia di Indonesia ini. Fenomena ini sering muncul pada suatu keluarga [sangat] besar dimana ada kumpulan dari beberapa keluarga kecil atau besar yang menjadi satu dan saling berhubungan baik satu sama lain. Ini merupakan suatu kebiasaan dan pertanda yang sangat baik bahwa hubungan antar saudara masih terjalin dengan baik dan [kadang] harmonis. Tapi, melihat dan mencermati kehidupan dalam keluarga dengan ukuran besar, pasti terdapat suatu atau beberapa keluarga lebih kecil yang menonjol.

Keluarga yang menonjol tersebut juga mempunyai beberapa dan bahkan semua anggota keluarga yang [sangat] [menyukai untuk] tampil. Biasanya mereka sangat membanggakan prestasi mereka walau kebanggaan tersebut tidak terlalu kentara dalam mereka bersosialisasi dengan keluarga yang lain. Biasanya juga banyak keluarga lain yang ingin melebihi mereka dan menjadikan mereka sebagai milestone keberhasilan. Jika sudah menyamai atau melebihi maka dapat dianggap berhasil.. Dengan kata lain, merekalah selebriti di keluarga besar..

Saya tidak mempunyai masalah dengan keluarga semacam itu dan sangat bersyukur bahwa saya tidak berada pada keluarga semacam itu. Tapi, tidak berarti saya tidak mempunyai masalah dengan keberadaan keluarga macam itu. Sebenarnya BUKAN suatu masalah jika mereka tidak mulai membanggakan keberhasilan-keberhasilan mereka, biasanya dengan menyebutkan, "Oh, anak saya Si X sekarang kuliah di Semarang, lho.. Kan, kakaknya Si Y sudah mau lulus dari UI," Please dong, ah...! atau dengan bahasa anak-anak jaman sekarang, Capek deh...!

Terkadang dari cara mereka berbicara pun mereka tidak sabar untuk berbangga-bangga. Mungkin ini salah satu bentuk negatif dari kehidupan keluarga besar dan yang berikutnya adalah rasa ingin ikut campur dari suatu keluarga kedalam keluarga yang lain. Terutama untuk masalah besar dan [biasanya] aib.

Semua orang [baca: anggota keluarga] ingin mengetahui apa yang terjadi dalam kehidupan anggota yang lain. Dan itu bukan hanya basa-basi. Dan itulah masalahnya. Saya seorang family person tapi bukan dalam cara ingin tahu dan ikut campur dalam masalah, saya lebih dalam melindungi dan selalu ingin dekat. Saya rasa dengan ikut campur [note: tanpa permisi] maka akan rusaklah bentuk hubungan harmonis dalam keluarga.. Memang ada beberapa orang yang tidak dapat secara langsung mengekspresikan diri dan memang butuh interupsi tanpa permisi tapi kan tidak semua orang seperti itu.

Apakah bentuk keluarga besar sudah tidak cocok lagi? Saya tidak tahu karena sudah terlanjur lahir dalam bentuk keluarga seperti itu dan sudah berlangsung selama bergenerasi [maaf untuk kesalahan EYD]. Ada rasa nyaman juga karena bantuan akan datang dengan sendirinya dan semua siap memberi bimbingan.. Tapi jika itu berarti mengubah cara hidup dan pandangan serta prinsip pribadi, maka, terpaksa, lebih baik saya menghindari keluarga =(


Tuesday, April 17, 2007


“You can be a bad girl and still be a nice person. Who says the two are mutually exclusive?”
On being a bad girl - Christina Ricci

Monday, April 16, 2007

Comments For Monica's Thoughts

Nice to know that someone is finally let their inner tiger out of the cage sometime. It's so refreshing and mind-boggling and a bit tickling to hear, read, or talk about a certain point of view. Especially when it kind of the opposite of public belief.

I must say I'm right behind people who knows exactly what they want, think, and do. I've never been a supporter of people who do something based on other people's will or just to play safe around their own environment. It's never comfortable being someone else, let alone DOING something just because you are so afraid of being outcasted. So ridiculous.

Fine by me if you're a 15-18 years old teenager, but when you reach your twenties you're on your own. It's you who said all the the things you said and you who thought all of your thoughts.

So, I really appreciate Monica's thoughts although I'm not sure where do I stand. I'm just saying it's such a blessing to say such things when you're a girl in Indonesian custom. It's so, shall I say, girl power [oh yeah, I DO know that Spice Girls days are sooo over...]. Someone HAS to took a stand and this is quite unbelievable. I like the vibe.

You go, Girl

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Song of The Moment

You Look So Fine

You look so fine
I want to break your heart
And give you mine
You taking me over

It's so insane
You've got me tethered and chained
I hear your name
And I'm falling over

I'm not like all the other girls
I can't take it like the other girls
I won't share it like the other girls
That you used to know

You look so fine

Knocked down
Cried out
Been down just to find out
I'm through Bleeding for you

I'm open wide
I want to take you home
We'll waste some time
You're the only one for me

You look so fine
I'm like the desert tonight
Leave her behind
If you want to show me

I'm not like all the other girls
I won't take it like the other girls
I won't fake it like the other girls
That you used to know

You taking me over Over and over
I'm falling over Over and over
You're taking me over
Drown in me one more time
Hide inside me tonight
Do what you want to do
Just pretend happy end
Let me know let it show
Ending with letting go [3x]
Let's pretend, happy end [4x]