Saturday, March 31, 2007

A Little So-Called Funny Thoughts

Ada penemuan yang sedikit lucu dalam kehidupan gw baru2 ini. Pernah suatu saat gw disuruh ikutan meeting di suatu tempat yang cukup jauh dan cukup larut padahal gw udah ada janji sama temen lama gw di yang juga udah nunggu di suatu tempat. Jadi, gw bilang sama bos, "maaf, pak, saya tidak bisa. Saya sudah punya janji sama dokter saya," mengingat hasil medical check up gw menyatakan bahwa gw memang mengidap kelainan jantung dan memang gw merupakan pasien tetap di sebuah RS pusat kesehatan jantung di Jakarta [read: Harapan Kita], maka lolos lah gw hari itu.

Lain kesempatan, gw lupa berat kalo gw udah ada janji sama dokter buat check up rutin. Karena janjinya hari Jumat dan pas hari itu gw ada banyak kegiatan dan ketemu orang2. Pas jam 10an gw baru inget setelah di telpon pihak RS nya, "Ibu Kania, hari ini jadi kesini tidak? Karena sudah ada di jadwal dan banyak antrian juga," gw yang memang lupa menajawab, "aduh, maaf ya, mbak, saya sekarang lagi sibuk sekali dan sebentar lagi ada rapat [padahal sih enggak] jadi di cancel aja ya hari ini dan diganti minggu depan, bagaimana?", "o, ya sudah."

The moral of the story is that gw menggunakan suatu alasan untuk menghindari suatu kegiatan dan di lain waktu gw menggunakan kegiatan tersebut sebagai alasan untuk menghindari alasan pertama. Got it ? ;P Gw bener2 harus mengubah kebiasaan hidup gw soalnya udah mulai kacau nih (^__^)v

Life is soo funny...


Saturday, March 24, 2007

My Own Quote

I think I'll stay . . . They're really got me on my tail !

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Come Out !

Pada nonton American Idol tadi malam (Sabtu 18/Mar/2007) di RCTI ga sih? Seru banget pas bagian Ryan Seacrest lagi interview Melinda Doolittle mengenai pakaian dan sepatu hak tinggi yang dipakai Melinda. Ryan menanyakan penampilan Melinda ke Simon Cowell dan Ryan dengan seperti biasanya mencoba menggoda Simon dengan pertanyaan yang sedikit mengejek, "Simon, any advice on the high heels?", dan Simon pun menjawab "you should know, Ryan". Terus Ryan membalas balik, ""Stay out of my closet, Simon," dan akhirnya Simon membalas dengan apa yang bakalan menjadi American Idol quote of the season, "Well, come out!". Hahahaha... Soo hillarious!

Sudah waktunya Ryan Seacrest keluar dari lemarinya, well begitulah idiom Amrik sana: Coming Out of The Closet, atau mengakui kesalahan atau rahasia terpendam atau aib. Ryan memang sudah dicurigai mempunyai kecenderungan gay atau homoseksual. Bukan berarti gw against gay people loh! I am a pro-choice. Anything goes as long as you are responsible for any actions you take. Masalahnya gw suka ga senang aja sama orang2 hipokrit yang mengaku lurus2 aja padahal bejat. We're no saints and I am aware of it, I mean, that's why there are heaven and hell, right?

Yang pasti AI bakalan seru dan setelah gw kira quote of the seasonnya bakalan "the other door," ternyata ada yang lebih seru lagi. This is what I called nightime entertainment!


If I Were A Musician . . .

If I were a musician then these are the bands which most likely to influence me the most. Here are the list and their greatest song, for me.

1. The Strokes -- Reptilia
2. Texas -- Black Eyed Boy
3. Duran-Duran -- Come Undone
4. Garbage -- You Look So Fine
5. Coldplay -- A Message
6. Suede -- Electricity
7. The Killers -- All These Things That I've Done
8. REM -- Man On The Moon
9. Guns And Roses -- November Rain
10. Aerosmith -- Cryin'
11. Oasis -- Champagne Supernova
12. The Beatles -- Don't Let Me Down
13. The Cure -- Boys Don't Cry
14. Blur -- Country House
15. Morrissey -- The More You Ignore Me The Closer I Get


So Here I Go . . .

It's been a while since my last post as I am now officially entered a so-called office life. My working hours turned out to be just fine, although I have to admit that my way home is a kind of hell on earth. But that was at first. Now, as time goes and my heart heals itself quicker than I thought it could be, I must say I am more appreciative of my job and more awake for the sake of it.

From now on, everyday couldn't be any worse than before as I feel more responsible to my duties. The journey home usually took 1,5 hours to end and it's not an easy quest to do. Other job offers come and go and I just don't know what to do. So, I decided to stay for a bit while. Funny enough that when I thought the whole world is turning upside down, and I mean really down below my spirit could ever encounter, my life turned out to be just fine.

Come across my mind that you should never be too scared or too lazy to take opportunity but still you have to know where to stop hopping around. If I see around myself, I realize that it's not that bad as now I am working in one of the biggest company in this God forsaken country and I do enjoy the working environment as well as the people surrounded me. I am not talking about stop hopping, as I am HIGHLY POPULAR with this term among my friends and family, but I just simply put thoughts in mind to be visible. I mean, that's what blogs are for, right?

What about my duties? Well, as far as I could see that all of the workload are bearable enough for me to take. The people are nice, friendly, and welcoming. The food are delicious and variative. The transportation also within easy reach. So, what more could I expect? I really don't know. I have a tendency of changing my mind in a matter of seconds if I don't actually put interest on something. And I'm not to keen to work...

Huh.. what a good way to post again after a while and I still don't have a thing in mind about working and loyalty. Commitments could be rather scary. I'm not the ready-for-the-next-big-step girl right now. Let's just sit back and enjoy the ride. Ciao!