Tuesday, April 17, 2007


“You can be a bad girl and still be a nice person. Who says the two are mutually exclusive?”
On being a bad girl - Christina Ricci

Monday, April 16, 2007

Comments For Monica's Thoughts

Nice to know that someone is finally let their inner tiger out of the cage sometime. It's so refreshing and mind-boggling and a bit tickling to hear, read, or talk about a certain point of view. Especially when it kind of the opposite of public belief.

I must say I'm right behind people who knows exactly what they want, think, and do. I've never been a supporter of people who do something based on other people's will or just to play safe around their own environment. It's never comfortable being someone else, let alone DOING something just because you are so afraid of being outcasted. So ridiculous.

Fine by me if you're a 15-18 years old teenager, but when you reach your twenties you're on your own. It's you who said all the the things you said and you who thought all of your thoughts.

So, I really appreciate Monica's thoughts although I'm not sure where do I stand. I'm just saying it's such a blessing to say such things when you're a girl in Indonesian custom. It's so, shall I say, girl power [oh yeah, I DO know that Spice Girls days are sooo over...]. Someone HAS to took a stand and this is quite unbelievable. I like the vibe.

You go, Girl

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Song of The Moment

You Look So Fine

You look so fine
I want to break your heart
And give you mine
You taking me over

It's so insane
You've got me tethered and chained
I hear your name
And I'm falling over

I'm not like all the other girls
I can't take it like the other girls
I won't share it like the other girls
That you used to know

You look so fine

Knocked down
Cried out
Been down just to find out
I'm through Bleeding for you

I'm open wide
I want to take you home
We'll waste some time
You're the only one for me

You look so fine
I'm like the desert tonight
Leave her behind
If you want to show me

I'm not like all the other girls
I won't take it like the other girls
I won't fake it like the other girls
That you used to know

You taking me over Over and over
I'm falling over Over and over
You're taking me over
Drown in me one more time
Hide inside me tonight
Do what you want to do
Just pretend happy end
Let me know let it show
Ending with letting go [3x]
Let's pretend, happy end [4x]

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Kunjungan Ke Dokter THT

* Warning : can cause a little bit uncomfortability on your stomach

Hari ini saya baru aja berkunjung ke klinik THT di dekat rumah karena mengalami sedikit gangguan pendengaran. Pada saat konsultasi, saya baru tahu kalau rasa pusing-pusing dan sedikit vertigo yang sudah 3 hari belakangan ini saya rasakan adalah akibat dari gangguan pada saluran lubang telinga saya juga.

Awal ceritanya begini, pada awal minggu ini saya merasakan gatal-gatal pada lubang dalam telinga saya. Saya berpikir bahwa kotoran telinga saya pasti sudah banyak dan sudah harus segera di-korek keluar. Seperti biasa, saya menggunakan sebatang cotton buds untuk melakukan “the dirty job” pada lubang telinga. Setelah dikorek saya merasa, kok, telinga saya semakin gatal dan akhirnya saya memutuskan untuk mengganti batang cotton buds dan mengorek lebih kuat lagi. Rasa gatal-sakit pun hilang.

Esok harinya entah kenapa rasa gatal-sakit itu datang lagi dan saya melakukan hal yang sama. Tapi karena kotoran di cotton buds sangat sedikit, saya pun memutuskan untuk menggunakan cairan pembersih telinga. Pertama-tama saya gunakan pada telinga kanan dan berhasil, rasa sakit hilang. Kemudian, pada telinga kiri, rasa sakit memang hilang tapi telinga saya seperti tertutup atau tersumbat. Sama rasanya jika ada air masuk ke telinga kita atau sedang berada dalam pesawat terbang pada saat take off. Saya memutuskan untuk membiarkannya karena berpikir bahwa cairan yang menyumbat akan keluar dengan sendirinya... Sayangnya tidak dan malah kepala saya terasa pusing dan leher pegal. Kalau mau berbicara atau mendengarkan terasa sangat tidak nyaman.

Setelah sekian hari mengalami hal tersebut akhirnya saya memutuskan untuk pergi ke klinik THT untuk memeriksakan telinga. Ternyata dokter mengatakan bahwa kotoran telinga saya sudah menumpuk dan, Oh God, mengeras. “Belum pernah ke dokter THT ya?” tanya dokter, “iya, dok,” “oh, pantesan aja.. kotorannya menutup gendang telinga.. “ Hssshh.. (^_^;)

Akhirnya lubang telinga saya dimasukkan sebuah alat penyedot dan, voila, beberapa saat kemudian, keluarlah...

Setelah itu pendengaran saya terasa aneh. Ya iyalah, saya kan baru kali ini ke dokter THT setelah 25 tahun hidup sebagai manusia. “Dok, pendengaran saya jadi aneh,ya?” “kenapa? Jadi lebih stereo, kan? Abis gak pernah periksa THT, sih...” Hehehe =D

Pusing dan pegal-pegal yang saya rasakan pun berangsur-angsur pulih dan menghilang setelah saya tidur sebentar.

Pelajaran yang saya dapat setelah mengalami kejadian dan juga hasil tanya jawab dengan sang dokter, adalah :

  1. Jangan sekali-kali mengorek telinga dengan cotton buds karena itu dapat menekan kotoran masuk lebih dalam lagi dan juga dapat menyebabkan iritasi pada kulit dalam lubang telinga.
  2. Kotoran telinga juga tergantung dari bentuk telinga pemiliknya serta kelenjar minya yang dimiliki. Jadi, mendengarkan musik keras-keras dengan earphone bisa saja menyebabkan kotoran bertambah dan bisa juga tidak.
  3. Jika ingin membersihkan kotoran dapat dilakukan secara rutin 3-6 bulan sekali atau tergantung keluhan. Jika sudah gatal maka lebih baik datang ke dokter.
  4. Adapun sebagian besar orang mempunyai bentuk telinga yang bagus sehingga memungkinkan kotoran telinganya keluar dengan sendirinya.

PS: For Tiwi: this is my answer for your question, my dearly beloved :)

Saturday, April 07, 2007

I Was Kicked Out of A Taxi ! !

Today was such a day for me and my sisters because we got literally thrown out of our taxi cab by the taxi driver himself ! This is definitely something new to me and my sisters as we never experienced such things. We did sometimes get an annoying driver but at the end it all solved out and we all went home safely and the driver got the payment he deserved, well, it was so written on the argometer.

But tonight it was another story. I was just going home from a short shopping trip with my sisters at a department store nearby our house. It was late and we all came just to buy weekly groceries and cakes. My mother and my brother went to a relative's house hence the unavailabilty of private transportation. So we hopped to a taxi at the front door of the store.

At first it was okay. The driver said a greeting and we sat on the back seat. One of my sister said our address and mention, "go through Tirtayasa street, sir," and he agreed. At the traffic light, he should've take the right turn but instead he went straight, and the story goes. It was late and my sister was in no mood of doing nice.

My sister (S) : "Hey, you should've take right turn !"
The driver (D) : "But it's the same way around"
S : "No it's not. It's more far than that way !
D : "But the traffic light was green and the right turn was forbidden !"
S : "No way! The right turn was never forbidden and you just passed it. So now, we have to
travel farther !"
D : "Okay, that's it. I did not want to take you on this cab. I will pull you over this side!"
S : "Okay, if that's what you want, but we're not paying !"
D : "Fine! Now go... "

Sooo.. we get down of the cab and, luckily, got another cab just right behind that s****y cab and its God-forsaken driver. It happened so fast in less than 5 minutes and we all went home in quiet. By the time qe got home, the American Idol was on, so we watched it instead before finally opened a talk about who's to blame. The driver is.

He's in an industry of services where hospitality is number one and you are rated through your best behaviour instead of intelligence. He should have been into some training and that cab company should arrange a training for its driver!

What a weird experience...

Kirsten Dunst..

First time I came to know Kirsten Dunst was when she played little vampire in Interview With The Vampire alongside Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise [I bet she never ever regret making this movie!]. Her teeth is funny looking in a way of a bunny teeth, hence the unforgettable feature. She's not this typical Pretty woman with the capital "P", but wholesome, we could actually found her attractive. Then is Kirsten on Little Women and Jumanji. Ah, those Laser disc heyday... I still owned a piece of that wide shiny disc of Asterix et Obelix et Cleopatre, the animated version...

Then it was her independent movies, Virgin Suicides and Drop Dead Gorgeous. Smart unimitable movies with lead roles who died after gas herself and her sisters, and the other one is about a wrecked beauty pageant which ending with the rival blown to death [how many movies have endings like that ??]. Then she went back to major studios in Bring It On and The Crow before landed on Spider-Man franchise. Not to mention her appearance on Savage Garden's music clip, I Knew I Loved You. So lovely a career this woman has !

She also has some mediocre-known movies like, The Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, Wimbledon, and Elizabethtown. The latest one of her is Marie Antoinette. Oh, she also starred in ER series as a teen/child character that was close to Dr. Doug Ross, the ubersex George Clooney [I should've hated Kirsten ! Hate hate hate].

I don't actually know why I was such a big noticer of her. I cannot say I'm a fan, well, perhaps just a fan not biggest fan, because some of her performance were just standard and lifeless. She is just like Scarlet Johansson, in a way of they could only succeededly portray JUST one kind of character. Perhaps, the one that similar to their own in real life. In Indonesia I would dare to compare her to Dian Sastro. Kirsten and Dian could only bring out typical characters. In other word, stereotype. Quiet, smart, a bit cynical, nice, rather unfriendly but actually warm, independent, and strong minded.

Looking at news and pictures of her reminded me of how long I've been familiar with her name and movies. It is something I definitely cherish as Kirsten is developing herself as one of the legends of Hollywood. I mean, how many times in a lifetime that you could actually witnessed a legend being born?

Not forget to mention her individual sense of fashion that keeps her look chic and casual. I'm soo into casual nowadays although I know I could never fit. I just love those casual style of hers.